It's almost the end of the school year and you have read many good books. Take time to think about one book you would consider to be one of your favorites. Take time to reflect upon why that book was one of your favorites and what you would tell your peers about that book.
Your task:
• Write about your favorite book. Include:
• Title
• Summarize the text
• Explain what kept you reading (examples: development of characters, action, suspense, part of a series, etc.)
• Why you think others would like the book
My example:
I loved reading The Watson's Go To Birmingham. This text is about a school-aged boy named Kenny and his family. The Watson family lives in Michigan in the 1960s. Kenny's older brother continually gets himself in trouble. So much so that his parents decide that he should spend some time with his grandma in the south. At this time in history, African Americans were discriminated against, especially in the south where the grandmother lived (Kenny and his family were African American). Kenny witnesses a church bombing. Not only that, he thought his little sister was one of the four girls who died in the bombing. He was relieved his sister was not in the church, but the incident left him traumatized. The family leaves immediately to go back to Michigan. There, his naughty big brother helps him smile again. This book kept me wanting to turn the page and read more because of the humor that was sprinkled throughout the text, even during the serious "heavy" parts. I also loved the way that the author incorporated actual pieces of history in the text. I found it so interesting that it made me read more about the actual history that was in the text. I think that people would appreciate the humor in the book, the realistic problems the characters had, and the history that was incorporated in the text.