Monday, December 27, 2010

What Do You Notice? What Do You Wonder?

It is important for us to understand what we read. One strategy we can use is thinking "I Notice" and "I Wonder." The things you notice help you gain meaning of what you are wondering. The things you wonder give you a purpose for reading on or give you a clue to go back and reread for meaning.

Read a book, or a section from the book. Respond to the next by writing what you notice and what you wonder.

Text: The Wednesday Wars
I notice that Holling Hoodhood, the main character is on a camping trip with his teacher, classmates, and principal. Even though miserable things are happening (lost silverware, downpour in the middle of the night, and pesky mosquitoes) it seems as tough Holling and his classmates and teacher are having a really good time. I also realize that the principal is miserable. She is staying holed up in her tents (the only tent) for most of the activities.
I wonder how Holling and the students are finding joy with all the miserable things that are happening on the trip. I'm wondering if the fun part isn't about the weather or ease of the trip, but is instead about being able to spend time together.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Show Not Tell

We have been working a lot with Show Not Tell. We learned that author's use "senses" to Show Not Tell.
Here's an example from Hoot, by Carl Haissen.
The hood was either black or dark blue, and Roy couldn't see a speck of light through the heavy fabric. Blindly he stumbled and swayed through the thicket but the barefoot boy kept him from falling. Roy knew they were out of the trees when the air got warmer and the ground beneath his feet got flat. He could smell the fertilized sod of the golf course.

These senses were used:
sight: black or dark blue, couldn't see a speck of light
touch: air got warmer, ground beneath his feet got flat
smell: smell the fertilized sod

Find an example of Show Not Tell in the text you are reading.
  • Title and Author
  • Passage From The Text
  • Examples Of The Senses Used