Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Genre Of Books Do You Like?

You have read many books this school year! What kind of books, or what type of genre, do you prefer. Give a detailed explanation of which genre of book you enjoy and why you enjoy that type.

Here are some examples of different book genres: fiction, nonfiction, biography, fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, poetry

My Example: I enjoy reading a variety of books, but I'd have to say that I prefer reading biographies. The way other people have shaped history intrigues me and inspires me. For example, I read a book about a man who had been a slave all of his life. He didn't like being a slave and decided to do something about it. He, with the help of a friend, actually boxed himself up and mailed himself to Philadelphia where he could be free. I find great pleasure in reading stories where other people have been hopeful and have worked to achieve their goals. The genre I like the least would have to be science fiction. It is difficult for me to "get lost" in those books and want to continue turning the pages to read on.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Importance of Setting

Setting plays an important part in the book, Maniac Magee, by Jerry Spinelli. Explain why the setting is important. Be detailed in your response.